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Jason in a firefight somewhere deep inside the base. |
Jason Flemming is spelunking with Claire, a girl he met at a bar last night, when they stumble upon a large secret underground base. Claire is captured by the Restoration, an evil organization bent on toppling the United States, and Jason has to rescue her by infiltrating the base.
Shadow Complex takes place only in the giant complex. Jason explores the base while trying to complete his current objective, which is always looking for something, like Claire or power armor. Along the way Jason has to kill all the guards who try to stop him. Jason starts off with a pistol, but gets more powerful weapons as he explores the base. He also can instantly knock out enemies when he is standing next to them.
The complex is not entirely accessible to Jason at first. Most doors have certain locks that can only be opened by weapons or equipment Jason finds. The doors are color-coordinated. For example: Jason soon runs into green colored doors which can only be opened by grenades which Jason finds shortly after. Other equipment includes double jump boots and super speed harnesses.
Jason does more than run through rooms shooting everyone. Jason often has to jump over obstacles and climb through vents to reach regular and hidden areas, making the base a lot like a maze.
The player has access to a map that shows where the current objective is, what parts of the complex Jason has already explored, and where all the doors Jason has run into are and what color they are.
There are several items hidden throughout the complex that the player can collect. Collecting them can increase Jason’s health, or the amount of a certain type of ammo Jason can carry. All of them are hidden in areas or behind doors that the player cannot access until Jason has collected a certain weapon. A few are hidden in hard to reach areas, but most of them are easy to obtain if the player is patient enough to go back and get them later.
As Jason explores more of the complex, he gains experience points and levels up, making him stronger as he fights stronger enemies. The change happens so gradually is almost unnoticeable, even when going back and fighting weaker enemies.
The game is in 2D, but enemies can stand in the background and shoot at Jason. The player uses the right analog stick to aim Jason’s weapon. Normally moving the stick up makes Jason aim up, but when enemies are in the background Jason aims at them instead. This gets tricky when Jason has to aim at multiple enemies in the background that are not directly behind him.
Jason runs into giant robot bosses every so often. These are challenging because of their overwhelming firepower. But they always have a weakness that can be easily exploited, making them a reasonable challenge.
Level design is sort of bland. Most of the complex is generic metal base look or caves. Each area is designed uniquely, but nothing is really memorable. The graphics have a nice, realistic look that flows smoothly without trouble.
The story is clichéd action movie. Evil forces are trying to take over the United States and Jason has to stop them. The story is easy to ignore and is not necessary to enjoy the game. Details about the Restoration are overheard by Jason when he is climbing through vents and are interesting enough to hear. Jason himself is the most boring main character ever. Being voiced by Nolan North does not help this.
The game is pretty easy. At first when Jason has a pistol and little health guards pose a challenge. But after Jason gets a faster weapon and collects a couple of health upgrades almost all guards are a breeze to kill. And almost all the guards are alike in terms of difficulty. That is not to say it is not enjoyable. Most of the fun is in exploring the base and collecting items.
It is also rather short, taking four to five hours depending on whether the player decides to collect all the hidden items. But it is a complete game that only cost fifteen dollars, so it is worth it.
Shadow Complex is a short, enjoyable game that if fun for anybody who enjoys Metroidvania games and is cheap. It is not the most creative of games, but it is fun, and that is what counts.
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